Million Dollar Car

Replace your car loan with an investment that creates income to buy cars throughout life.

Aussies love cars,
but it’s costing us

Australian’s collectively borrow $8 billion for cars annually. The average car loan is in Australia $31,738 across all age groups.

We’re being marketed to that our cars need upgrading every 3 to 5 years and the best way to fund cars is with debt…That’s a problem.

If you fund your cars with debt, you could be missing out on a million dollars or more in income throughout your life.

The Million Dollar Car system replaces the common car loan scenario with something better: a way to purchase cars cheaply without ever relying on debt again.

Tired of driving on debt?

Imagine having the freedom and flexibility to replace cars every 7 to 10 years with cash, and knowing:

  • You OWN your cars, not the lender

  • The cost of car purchases is lower

  • You have money growing in a lifetime investment with compounding returns

The Million Dollar Car strategy frees up more cash flow over your lifetime than saving cash or using debt does to buy and replace cars. It’s a smart way to drive!

tick benefit

Ditch your car loan forever

tick benefit

Create an investing habit

tick benefit

Have more income throughout life

How it works

Important: This strategy requires a membership to Waymaker to set up your cash flow system.

Why use an Advisor?

There’s a lot of marketing about cars and leasing schemes. But marketing is not financial advice, and you could be overpaying.

Working with a professional to get personal advice to invest to purchase cars will help you:

  • Break free from car debt

  • Overcome the fear of loss

  • Invest regularly with managed risk

  • Track your investment strategy

Implement the Strategy

With a RightTrac Advisor.

step 1

Meet our Team

Know who you can trust.

step 2

Implement the Strategy

Turn personal advice in action.

Step 3

Feel Confident

Go forth and prosper in life.

Schedule a Free Call

You can have more than one Strategy…